Sunday, May 8, 2016



                                                       Copyright May 2015         Photo Credit: VAC

                                       "DISCOVER HOW ONE LITTLE GIRL REALIZED HER DREAM"
"This is a travel book like none you have ever read before. It's a guide to the do's and don'ts in Paris. Whether art lover, priest, scientist, or shopping addict...If you've ever wanted to visit Paris, THIS IS THE BOOK TO READ.
"It is also a touching story of family ties rewoven. See the City of Light through the eyes of a woman who waited 50 years to see her beloved Paris. Go on an armchair adventure!" 
Finally published it! The first copy went to Writer's Digest Annual Book Contest. The deadline was May 2nd. I am praying to win the Grand Prize. That would send me to New York City, to the Annual Writer's Digest Convention, all expenses paid.

It would give me entre' to industry sources, editors from major publishing houses who might be interested in re-publishing "I FELL FOR PARIS" on a much broader scale. That would include marketing and business help they provide to the Grand Prize Winner.

Last time I entered a Writer's Digest contest was back in 2001. I entered a magazine article called, "What the World Needs Now".  It got an "Honorable Mention" out of 19,000 peoples' entries. I guess that wasn't too bad. But I finally got up the courage to enter my new book.


Since I entered the contest, and Writer's Digest has first printing rights on the book, that means that I can't post it on Amazon Kindle e-books until at least October, when I find out whether I won the contest or not. However I have an order with a publishing company for a small number of books. I will have to sell them at $15.99 each just to break even.

And everyone I tell says, "Oh, you'll have to give me a copy."

 Well I would love to give away copies but just can't do it financially yet. The books will soon be available though - on two new websites, I FELL FOR PARIS.COM   and  WWW.COLEENCLARKAUTHOR.COM.

About two-three months and these sites (and books) should be available.

I am planning some book signings for either summer or fall. Stay tuned to find out where and when. You can buy the book right in the store. I will even sign it for you!

Also be watching for books TWO and THREE:


                                       ALSO IN PROGRESS!

Those two books I will be able to put on Kindle e-books since I'm not planning on entering them into any contests. You will also be able to buy them  on the above two websites (in purple) and links from this blog as well.

So hang tight! It will be available soon. Don't hold your breath! Okay then, go ahead!

Till next T-I-M-E - I still love Paris! But I love America even more. I pray God blesses and protects both nations.     
Photo Credit: CC 2016

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