Sunday, May 1, 2016


Why would Time Travel be in a book about TRAVEL?        

Well time travel IS a form of TRAVEL - isn't it? What's not to like?

If you are going to do something you might as well do it right. I guess I go a little to extremes. But if I am going to do something, then I am going to do it all the way!

This might not seem to be about Paris. But TRUST ME...IT IS...EVENTUALLY.

Ever since I was a small child I have been fascinated by the concept of time. I remember at the age of eight holding two mirrors together. One was a decorated, handheld boudoir-type mirror. The other was my mother's round magnifying mirror that she used for make-up or tweezing eyebrow hairs. When I held the two mirrors together, slanted, I could see the reflection of one mirror repeated endlessly in the other mirror, like a never-ending corridor. It made me think of a tunnel of time.
                                                                     Copyright 2016                Photo Credit: C. Clark

Also as a little girl, I found that the hours seemed to drag endlessly on. I was never bored. I always read books, or sang or drew. But the hours always seemed endless, even when my family was having fun. Sometimes I would return to pondering the subject, trying to gauge the speed of the passage of time depending on various activities I was doing, to see if there was any difference.

I observed the passage of time and sometimes even consciously measured it, seeing if I had an interior clock. I found out I did. By the time I was an adult, I could sometimes set this interior clock to waken myself at an exact time I desired. But I never relied on it as an every day alarm. When I grew up into a "responsible" adult...well that's all RELATIVE - isn't it? I usually fell back on a mechanical clock. Until everyone started using their cell phones as mini-computers. Now alarm clocks have become almost obsolete.

But growing up in the 1960's as a child, I often pondered things most kids probably don't. I was always wondering about the curtain between this world and the next dimension. Why did ghosts seem to appear to people in real life accounts, after loved ones had died? I also wondered why the science fiction of yesterday always became the science of today.

I expected science to cure all the ills in the world. I also expected technology to eventually do what seemed impossible presently. Just like flying cars and time travel.

One day, when I was about ten years old, I remember standing below the brown, wooden stairwell in our small, two story house where I grew up. I was playing with a balloon brought home from a party, no doubt.

 Focusing on the principle of propulsion and how the balloon was propelled by the flux of air out of the open hole of the balloon as I let it fly, I watched. Over and over again I blew up the balloon and let it zoom ceiling-ward. Suddenly I imagined the principle of a vacuum, which was exactly the opposite of what I was observing. I wondered if propulsion could occur from a vacuum as well? Or if a force could be derived from it to move objects somehow?

When "Back To The Future" the movie came out I was in 7th Heaven. Both of my all-time fantasies fastened together all in one tremendous story. I loved it! Flying cars and time travel all in one delicious Delorean package!

I read numerous science fiction novels over the years.  (Funny, I rarely read fiction nowadays. It's mostly alternative news and scientific journals. I gave up on the mainstream media years ago.)

Science fiction gave me a picture of what could be. Yet somewhere in the back of my mind was the idea that science fiction writers actually gave present day scientists ideas from which to spring their goals and experiments.

Take for example the Star Trek "Enterprise". Scientists HAVE been using some of its aspects to model ideas of warp drive. That's just one example.

Rod Serling was my first sci-fi love. Then came Ray Bradbury and Robert Heinlein. But first and foremost is and always will be Gregory Benford. He wrote TIMESCAPE, a novel about backward messages in time due to a now half-proven particle called a "tachyon".

                                GREGORY BENFORD'S NOW CLASSIC "TIMESCAPE"



When I would hear a jet's loud boom over head I would always ask myself, "If scientists have broken the "sound barrier" then why can't they break the "light barrier"?

                                                                     Copyright 2016                         Photo Credit: C. Clark

I didn't understand Einstein's theory of relativity until early adulthood. But once, working temporarily at a major pharmaceutical firm, in the computer programming department, I tried discussing the theory of General Relativity with college grads around me, and not a single one could intelligently discuss Einstein's major accomplishment.

Despite the fact that most physicists believe the Speed of Light is constant, and doesn't change I always told myself that Einstein was wrong. The speed of light CAN CHANGE. It's all relative! No pun intended! Scientists have since found out that the speed of light is variable, although most people haven't read enough on the topic to even realize it.

"Tachyon searches could be produced from high-energy particle collisions," * as in the Large Hadron Collider, on the border between France and Switzerland.

This is even more pertinent since CERN has discovered the elusive "God Particle" - the Higgs Boson. And one of CERN's leaders has been publicly recorded as saying they want to open "portals" between dimensions. Now, isn't that a tad dangerous? Could be...





When my son Victor was a child I found the inexpensive way to treat him to a "day at the movies" was to go to the afternoon matinee. My son and I shared the joy of watching all three  BACK TO THE FUTURE films together over the years. But I will never forget the feeling of horror in the pit of my stomach when the license plate from Doc's Delorean whirled on the railroad tracks. Time Traveling car smashed to pieces - never to fly again. I almost cried. My flying car died!

Victor loved the first movie so much that as a young boy he memorized large portions of the script. He and I would say the dialogue back and forth together just for fun. He would play Marty and I would play Doc. Of course, I had always wanted to be a scientist. Only natural!

That movie became the launching pad for my research into a variety of developing technologies over the years that could fit the bill of making time travel come true. 

On one hot summer's trip to Universal Studios in Orlando, I rode the "Back To The Future" ride six times in a row. Why? Well I DID love the ride. But that wasn't the reason. I was obsessed with writing down the names of all the books on Time Travel on the bookshelves in the alcove-holding room, right before passengers hopped onto the ride's cars. It took six rides to have enough time to get most of the pertinent titles and authors written on a park brochure.

From childhood to adulthood I constantly tried to keep up with accounts of as many developing technologies as possible, hoping to find some bearing on the time space continuum. Being a naturally extremely curious individual, I paid attention to even the most esoteric developments. Loving to read made this pure delight, anyway. My desire to time travel grew!

Beginning in the year 2000, having purchased my first computer, I doubled up on my research. I started reading about any scientist researching any discipline that could even faintly touch  aspects related to the time space continuum. Scientific paper after paper became one stepping stone after another. 

I knew from my research that "black ops" were a fact. Edward Snowden's revelations about governmental black ops projects paid for with American tax dollars, were anti-climactic after what my studies had revealed: Anti-propulsion vehicles, the Casimir Effect, Closed Time-Like Curves, Frame Dragging...


No wonder it is said that there is at the minimum $300 million missing from Pentagon accounting books. One Pentagon official admits they could actually hide $48 B-i-l-l-i-o-n (on secret projects) and the American public would be none-the-wiser.


Why is it portholes are being observed opening up in the skies around the world, along with some other mighty strange phenomena? 

Charles Bennett, working at IBM with lasers in the 1980's made entanglement breakthroughs in Quantum Computing that may have cracked the time-space barrier wide open! In 2009, a photograph next to his picture on his IBM stats from the 1990's shows a very distinct porthole opening up in the skies above the trees...near his laboratory???  


Why too, would a porthole open over the sky above Tromso, Norway, in 2009, the very day that an American president was in that region to collect his Nobel Peace Prize? Happenstance? Helpenstance? Or Frankenstance?

There is an area in the region of Paris where time slips are said to occur, near a famous palace. Two individuals with impeccable credentials experienced what appeared to be a time slip phenomenon about a hundred years ago. The follow up research they did made their separate testimonies about the incident seem absolutely credible. People have tried to debunk their stories. But I have always trusted academics. Okay...well until recently with the Common Core Curriculum...that kind of finished it for me.

                                       THE MOBERLY-JOURDAIN INCIDENT

But my father's sisters were school teachers and college professors, so they have always been role models for me. So I tend to trust what they have to say. That is why I am convinced that I must return to Paris. For scientific purposes. To perform an experiment. To see if the two Oxford academicians' experience can be duplicated under the right conditions.

When I travel...I really plan to t-r-a-v-e-l. Until next T-I-M-E....I still love Paris!   and sites COMING SOON!

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