Saturday, April 29, 2017


                                         Photo Credit: VA Clark    Copyright 2015 @

AFTER A LIFETIME of longing to see the treasures of the Louvre, my first visit there was a huge disappointment.

It was our third actual day in Paris, Tuesday, May 8th. After an entire afternoon of sightseeing, my son and I walked up to the pyramid-decked plaza to discover it totally empty.  


                                     Photo Credit: VA Clark   Copyright 2015@

A sign with a rope across the entrance area read: "Closed for Holiday".

"What holiday?" I cried in exasperation! Neither he nor I had heard anything about a holiday. There had been a parade in the street while we were enroute to Versailles the day before...but nothing around us indicated a holiday, other than an empty expanse of concrete that got us no closer to the magnificence inside.

"Don't cry, Mom", my son said. He thought I was pouting. He spent so much time with his children that he could only surmise I was displaying child-like behavior. We had been apart for so many years, that as an adult he didn't really know me well.

Victor could not imagine the bitter disappointment that welled up in my heart and eyes after so many decades spent waiting for this moment. To see the glass pyramid alone, designed by Chinese architect I.M. Pei, was a thrill in itself.

Wanting to see the interiors below ground, which most world art experts say exceed even the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, was for me the focal point of the trip.

"Let's go do some people watching instead", he said, heading down the street toward the Rue du Rivoli.

"We could go to a café and have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine."

"Okay" I agreed reluctantly, allowing him to cheer me up.

So we went to a café, met two very nice fellow-Americans who were attending the Cordon Bleu cooking school. It was a thrilling evening for me, being able to ask unlimited questions about the school and what life was like as an American living in Paris. (More about that encounter in my book: I Fell For Paris.)

But the very next day we were back at the Louvre again. Only this time we went looking for the Carrousel entrance. We hoped we wouldn't have to wait in horrendously long lines.

A charming and handsome Frenchman had shown me the entrance, on my first day in Paris. It was such a kind gesture to an American on her arrival to the City of Beauty.

                                      Photo Credit: VA Clark   Copyright 2015 @

Victor and I made our way from the Place des Pyramides, taking a left, and followed the Rue de Rivoli until we finally found the mall entrance at 99 rue de Rivoli. It was much farther than I remembered when the welcoming gentleman had directed me to the doors that day. Perhaps I was enjoying his conversation so much, and struggling to speak entirely in French, that I was a little distracted. : )

We finally found the glass doors leading to the escalators that direct one to the shopping mall prelude before the prize!

Down a few escalators we descended. Then we walked along a sandstone colored corridor into a large open area, with the pyramid glass directly above us.

                                      Photo Credit: C. Clark  Copyright 2015 @

We waited about twenty minutes in line with our pre-paid museum passes in hand. We had heard that having them shortened one's wait.

Meanwhile, my eyes took in all the beautiful stores around me.

                                            Photo Credit: C. Clark     Copyright 2015@

There was House of Chocolates, Comedie Francaise, L'Occitane, Fragonard (perfumes,) Printemps and a host of others that I wished I had the time and money to browse in.

Finally we reached the front of the line to show our passes. My son likes art too. We were anxious to grab some Louvre maps and make our way through the museum.

"Mom. Let's just find the Mona Lisa. Then we can each head off on our own."

"That sounds fine," I responded. That way I could take my time looking at whatever I wanted for as long as I wanted.

The maps were incredibly hard to follow. Unless you have a Fine Arts degree how can you possibly know which century you want to look at? Aside from knowing that I wanted to view 16th and 17 French art, antiques and furniture, I wasn't sure what century the various artists lived in.

How could I possibly know what date Titian painted "Venus Rising From The Sea" or what date "Winged Victory" would inhabit? Even then, would I choose the date she was discovered or the era in which she was sculpted?

It took hours for us to locate the Mona Lisa. There was such a crowd in the small alcove surrounding her that we couldn't even get close.

Sad fact was, I couldn't find the cord to my digital Fuji pocket camera my son had so graciously gifted me with before we left home. So I only had so much battery power.

"Take two photos of everything, Mom. Then choose the better picture of the two."

"I can't. My battery is fading", I said.

So I had to choose carefully the works of art I wanted to capture on film.

Victor, a photographer par excellence, was going off on his own. I had to make every photo I took count. They had to be works  or artists I particularly longed to see in person, like Fragonard's, or Van Eyck's. 

So much art! So little time! So little camera juice!

I spent about five hours trying to find the section which housed the Fragonards. My favorite painter of all time had inspired the modus operandi of my entire life with "Portrait of a Young Girl Reading". I saw it at the age of ten in the Washington, D.C. National Museum of Art.

                                             Photo Credit: C. Clark  Copyright 2015@

Then, at the end of the day I found out Fragonard's section of the museum was closed off. It would be reopened after I had departed from my Dear Paris.

Meanwhile I wandered round and around, seeing other perfectly wonderful works of art. Sometimes I ended up in the exact same corridors. The map was impossibly confusing! Even my talented-at-map-reading son had a hard time with it.

But before I left that late afternoon my head was swirling with so much amazing beauty that had reached to my very soul.

Before he departed on his own adventures we discovered some amazing finds which you will just have to read about in my book, "I FELL FOR PARIS". 

In the book, I give you a step by step tour, with photos. You will experience along with me the joy, thirst, frustration and delight as you walk with me in the high-ceilinged halls of this ancient palace.

The second printing of the softcover book is going to take place in several weeks. First printing all sold out! After that the paperback edition can be purchased off of my websites:


I am still working on getting the manuscript formatted for Kindle e-books. As anyone who has ever formatted a book for Kindle knows - it isn't easy! So stay tuned for both the paperbacks and the Amazon Kindle e-book, which you can read on your tablet or phone.

You can place an advance order for the 8 1/2 X 11 paperback ahead of time. To defray color printing and shipping costs, I have to ask $27.99 plus shipping.  Pictures of Paris would never look as good in black and white. But as I print more the price will go down.

Be the first among your friends to own the moving coffee table photo book about a tale of family ties re-woven during a continental vacation of awesome discovery! A tout a l'heures!




Sunday, April 23, 2017



Politically speaking "the pen IS mightier than the sword"!

I am so weary! Are you not YET WEARY? Of unwelcome usurpers spoiling the most beautiful city in the world?

I refuse to be "politically correct". Political correctness is a form of thought control. It exists only to stifle free speech. And it involves peer pressure to police the thoughts and words of others.

I must say this because I have long loved France, and especially the magnificent Paris.

All of you French men and French women are walking around in a foolish trance. The aliens are hiding themselves among you, wanting to control you and your society just like in the American 1988 sci-fi classic movie, "They Live".


Marine Le Pen could be so instrumental in turning France in the right direction. For the continued existence of your nation - you must listen to her - vote for her!

I firmly and decisively marched up the Champs Elysee' two springs ago, determined to reach the Arc de Triomphe. The Arch of Triumph has always meant something special to me, a mere American writer. It has always symbolized VICTORY.

And now the interlopers have dared to touch one of your most beautiful memorials, along your most impressive avenue, which has seen so many past  French victories. How can you let triumph over your enemies slip so easily through your fingers?

There will no longer be victories for France if you do not wake up!

In a play about Cardinal Richelieu, Edward Bull-Lytton wrote in 1839:


The written and spoken word are very important. Do not be afraid to speak that which quietly lurks at the back of your thoughts. Unshackle your minds! Unshackle your tongues! See and speak the truth for what they are!


                                                       Photo credit: VA Clark

Don't wander around in a blind haze of deception foisted upon you by the globalist elites who want to take away your nation's sovereignty, your national boundaries, and even that which makes you truly French! Is there ANY national congruity which holds you together?


                                                    Photo credit: VA Clark

Don't you see that what is happening in your country is a planned sell-out by left-leaning globalist politicians, eager to secure their promised roles in "The New World Order"?  Most of your politicians, with a scarce few exceptions, like Le Pen, are manipulated into shape by the Shadow Boxers who punch them into submission.

Are you going to become like Germany or the Netherlands? Surely the rumors have spread though many are afraid to speak the truth. Will your people, your history and your country fade into oblivion as a new culture subtly and not-so-subtly rises to conquer everything you've ever known?

Don't do it! Wake up from your sleep oh Slumbering France! Rise up! Put the right leaders into place who will not betray your nation's heritage as Angela Merkel is doing to Germany.

                                      NO LIMITS! NO BOUNDARIES! NO COUNTRY!

It will soon be too late to speak out. Laws are being passed very quickly to shut up and hide the truth. Has Europe gone mad?

Has your Socialist experiment worked? No! You are allowing malevolent strangers into your country with open arms to boost your population.

Don't your realize that Socialism is merely "Communism Lite"? In other words, Socialism leads to Communism. Communism always leads to genocide and self-destruction. Look at history's trail of mass death and destruction under Communist regimes.

Marine Le Pen is determined not to allow France's borders to be over-run. A country without borders is no longer a country.

What REALLY has the European Union done for you?

There are French men and women who have been forgotten and subjugated - just as in America. Many still struggle without jobs and their cries go unheeded by politicians more interested in lining their pockets than helping the populace.

 The major media networks no longer tell the truth. Even Sky News is run by avowed globalist Rupert Murdoch. Now too weak to rein in his sons, they are turning America's formerly conservative Fox news into a Leftist organization, promoting left wing activists in the U.S.


In a Socialist society the government controls the media. Yes, sadly America has finally leaned Socialistic, though U.S. citizens have been too busy working, texting, playing computer games, and viewing the world through their Google Smart Glasses to notice.

No wonder so many oppose conservative Le Pen in France. Just like here in America, the ignorant masses rant about a man determined to preserve America's heritage as well.

The media has for years now been forced by "the powers that be" to try to control the masses by destroying the truth, right and cover up the globalist plans for all of Europe and America.

Ever heard of Agenda 2030? Don't be complacent. Do your homework!

   "The U.N. and its mostly autocratic member regimes have big plans for your life, your children, your country and your world. And those plans are not limited to the coercive 'climate' agreement recently concluded in Paris."
"While the establishment media in the United States was hyping ISIS, football, and of course 'global warming', virtually every national government/dictatorship on the planet met at the 70th annual General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York to adopt a draconian 15-year master plan for the planet. Top globalists such as Javier Solana, a socialist, are celebrating the plan, which the summit unanimously 'approved' as the next 'Great Leap Forward' - yes the old Communist slogan of the Chinese Communist Party."


The French media is determined to destroy Le Pen's reputation with false rumors, just like the U.S. media is still savagely trying to besmirch Trump.

Vote for Marine Le Pen. I believe she is a woman of integrity who will save your nation. She will lead you through the Arch of Triumph, as part of the legacy of strong female leadership in French history. Think Joan of Arc/Jeanne d'Arc.

                                              Photo Credit:  C. Clark

Vive Le Pen...for THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD (of death and destruction) that is now poised above your land.


                                                        Photo Credit: VA Clark

  "La Plume est Plus Puissant que L'Epee.                                 

Saturday, April 8, 2017


Oh it is April again!  Every few months I am compelled to go online and check out the fares to Paris, hoping the price has fallen dramatically. 


How I remember the movie "April In Paris". Do you?

Watching reruns of old movies with my mother include some of the best memories of my life.

The 1952 film starred Doris Day and Ray Bolger. The theme of the movie is Paris and love.

A chorus girl is mistakenly invited to an international art exposition to represent the United States in place of Ethel Barrymore. Of course Doris Day is a lot more lively than Ethel could ever be. Doris's rendition of "April in Paris", has to be one of the prettiest songs I have ever heard her sing.

I could definitely identify with Doris's "chorus girl" role as I started in musical theatre by playing in the chorus of "Oliver", and then "How To Succeed In Business".

In the theatre I met a friend named Oliver, but somehow I never learned to wildly succeed in business. Oh perhaps temporarily now and then. But my artsy, smartsy creativity always seems to take precedence over my lack of proclivity to abide by rules and corporate protocols.

Just like everyone should go see Washington, D.C. during cherry blossom time, so should everyone spend at least one April of their lives in Paris. Or May. Whichever the case may be.

I will never forget the blossoms that fell on my head as I rested on a bench, after I spent 45 minutes speedwalking along the Champs Elysees to see the Arch of Triumph. I was out of breath, tired and thirsty, on my way back to the hotel...trying to arrive before dusk.

I sat down and felt something so lightweight fall on my head I thought surely it must be a bird mistaking my blond head for a bird-bathroom. When I reached up, a beautiful white blossom fell down my shirt. It was then I noticed to my pleasure, all the little white blossoms all around my feet. That was May of 2015. My son had been kind enough to take me on the vacation of my dreams.

Spring in Paris has to be the perfect time to go. It is not blisteringly hot, but gets warm in the afternoons. Even if you have to brave a few rain showers, it is far better than trying to find cool shelter in the sweltering heat of August, when many Parisians leave town for cooler climes.

In April and May men and women alike are still wearing their dashing scarves to keep out the cool morning breezes. With flowers and trees waking up everywhere your spirit itself seems brought to life in the city of light and love.

Perhaps it will be April or May that I next take my trek to the everlasting city that could not be destroyed in World War II. It's many treasures, thank God, were spared. It's history and people preserved, as they should be for all time.

A luminous city once visited, can never die within one's heart. Paris will always leave its eternal sparkling presence on the spirit of everyone fortunate to visit her, no matter what time of year.

April - I will. Oh may, I may I go?