Politically speaking "the pen IS mightier than the sword"!
I am so weary! Are you not YET WEARY? Of unwelcome usurpers spoiling the most beautiful city in the world?
I refuse to be "politically correct". Political correctness is a form of thought control. It exists only to stifle free speech. And it involves peer pressure to police the thoughts and words of others.
I must say this because I have long loved France, and especially the magnificent Paris.
All of you French men and French women are walking around in a foolish trance. The aliens are hiding themselves among you, wanting to control you and your society just like in the American 1988 sci-fi classic movie, "They Live".
Marine Le Pen could be so instrumental in turning France in the right direction. For the continued existence of your nation - you must listen to her - vote for her!
I firmly and decisively marched up the Champs Elysee' two springs ago, determined to reach the Arc de Triomphe. The Arch of Triumph has always meant something special to me, a mere American writer. It has always symbolized VICTORY.
And now the interlopers have dared to touch one of your most beautiful memorials, along your most impressive avenue, which has seen so many past French victories. How can you let triumph over your enemies slip so easily through your fingers?
There will no longer be victories for France if you do not wake up!
In a play about Cardinal Richelieu, Edward Bull-Lytton wrote in 1839:
The written and spoken word are very important. Do not be afraid to speak that which quietly lurks at the back of your thoughts. Unshackle your minds! Unshackle your tongues! See and speak the truth for what they are!
Photo credit: VA Clark
Don't wander around in a blind haze of deception foisted upon you by the globalist elites who want to take away your nation's sovereignty, your national boundaries, and even that which makes you truly French! Is there ANY national congruity which holds you together?
Photo credit: VA Clark
Don't you see that what is happening in your country is a planned sell-out by left-leaning globalist politicians, eager to secure their promised roles in "The New World Order"? Most of your politicians, with a scarce few exceptions, like Le Pen, are manipulated into shape by the Shadow Boxers who punch them into submission.
Are you going to become like Germany or the Netherlands? Surely the rumors have spread though many are afraid to speak the truth. Will your people, your history and your country fade into oblivion as a new culture subtly and not-so-subtly rises to conquer everything you've ever known?
Don't do it! Wake up from your sleep oh Slumbering France! Rise up! Put the right leaders into place who will not betray your nation's heritage as Angela Merkel is doing to Germany.
It will soon be too late to speak out. Laws are being passed very quickly to shut up and hide the truth. Has Europe gone mad?
Has your Socialist experiment worked? No! You are allowing malevolent strangers into your country with open arms to boost your population.
Don't your realize that Socialism is merely "Communism Lite"? In other words, Socialism leads to Communism. Communism always leads to genocide and self-destruction. Look at history's trail of mass death and destruction under Communist regimes.
Marine Le Pen is determined not to allow France's borders to be over-run. A country without borders is no longer a country.
What REALLY has the European Union done for you?
There are French men and women who have been forgotten and subjugated - just as in America. Many still struggle without jobs and their cries go unheeded by politicians more interested in lining their pockets than helping the populace.
The major media networks no longer tell the truth. Even Sky News is run by avowed globalist Rupert Murdoch. Now too weak to rein in his sons, they are turning America's formerly conservative Fox news into a Leftist organization, promoting left wing activists in the U.S.
In a Socialist society the government controls the media. Yes, sadly America has finally leaned Socialistic, though U.S. citizens have been too busy working, texting, playing computer games, and viewing the world through their Google Smart Glasses to notice.
No wonder so many oppose conservative Le Pen in France. Just like here in America, the ignorant masses rant about a man determined to preserve America's heritage as well.
The media has for years now been forced by "the powers that be" to try to control the masses by destroying the truth, right and cover up the globalist plans for all of Europe and America.
Ever heard of Agenda 2030? Don't be complacent. Do your homework!
"The U.N. and its mostly autocratic member regimes have big plans for your life, your children, your country and your world. And those plans are not limited to the coercive 'climate' agreement recently concluded in Paris."
"While the establishment media in the United States was hyping ISIS, football, and of course 'global warming', virtually every national government/dictatorship on the planet met at the 70th annual General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York to adopt a draconian 15-year master plan for the planet. Top globalists such as Javier Solana, a socialist, are celebrating the plan, which the summit unanimously 'approved' as the next 'Great Leap Forward' - yes the old Communist slogan of the Chinese Communist Party."
The French media is determined to destroy Le Pen's reputation with false rumors, just like the U.S. media is still savagely trying to besmirch Trump.
Vote for Marine Le Pen. I believe she is a woman of integrity who will save your nation. She will lead you through the Arch of Triumph, as part of the legacy of strong female leadership in French history. Think Joan of Arc/Jeanne d'Arc.
Photo Credit: C. Clark
Vive Le Pen...for THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD (of death and destruction) that is now poised above your land.
Photo Credit: VA Clark
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